Cracked Tooth? Call Our Dentist in Coral Springs!
So, your tooth cracked! Ouch! What can you do, who do you call? Is a single tooth worth a trip to your Coral Springs dental office? Believe it or not, one single tooth that has damage can affect your entire mouth. When you have experienced a tooth that has a crack, a break, loose adult tooth, or any other damage, it is best to get it checked out by a professional dentist as soon as possible. If you wait and think that it is no big deal, you may be setting yourself up for much worse pain and problems. The time is now to call Dr. Barbag in Coral Springs!
Dental Implant or Extraction?
When you have a bad tooth that needs repair, there is only so much that you can do besides pulling it. Dental implants are the most common way to get your teeth back in order and reduce the issues that you will face in the future. So, what are dental implants and what are the alternatives? There is really no alternative to fixing a tooth with an implant except to have it pulled. Typically, people will look at cost for dental care and not the long-term outcome. Tooth extraction usually costs much less than repair or replacement but there are always problems or issues down the road. When a tooth is pulled, it leaves a gap in between the surrounding teeth. There are many, many problems that may occur when you get a tooth pulled and not have any type of replacement. Problems such as post-extraction pain and swelling will occur. You may not be able to eat correctly or speak as normal, also, you may develop root dislodgment into your sinuses. Root dislodgment means that root fragments of the tooth have sunk into your sinus cavity and can lead to an infection. And with this, you will end up with pit formation. Pit formation happens when a tooth is removed and not replaced. Have you ever come across a person and their face seems to be sunken in some areas around the mouth? This is most likely due to them having a tooth that was removed and not replaced.
Replace Your Tooth at Our Coral Springs Dental Office.
When a tooth is not replaced by your Coral Springs dentist, you will eventually loose function in that area of your mouth. Teeth are not just for chewing! Your teeth are also used for communication and speaking properly as well as showing off a beautiful smile. If you are missing one or more teeth, you will notice that you cannot pronounce many words correctly. If you can’t chew food properly, you will also end up with digestive problems. Teeth surrounding the missing tooth will shift towards each other to fill the gap in between when this happens, those teeth will eventually become non-functional as well. So, you see, loosing even one tooth can have long-lasting effects that will result in more problems.
Besides having a tooth just pulled, the best alternative is a single tooth dental implant. Dental implants not only replace the missing lost natural tooth but also the root. How does a single dental implant work? Now, this procedure may sound a bit painful, however, because we only use state of the art machinery at Barbag dental in Coral Springs, your discomfort will be minimal. During your exam, our dentist will take an x-ray to determine if there is enough remaining bone in which is needed in order to anchor the implant. Once this is determined and you make your next appointment, then, a small hole will be drilled into the bone where your tooth was. Then a titanium implant which resembles a small screw will be placed. At this point, the screw implant will need to remain in place for several months so that it can bond with the bone. Don’t worry about having a gap with a screw coming out if it. We will put a temporary replacement crown so that your mouth will function properly and that no one will notice. The temporary replacement tooth also gives the gums a “model” to shape itself around. Once the implant screw has bonded, a crown will be made to fill the gap, this will be done by using a metal post which is called an abutment. We will match the color and shape of the natural surrounding teeth to the implant so that you will have a natural transition and your new implant won’t stand out or look false.
Have A Natural Smile with the Help of Our Dentist in Coral Springs.
Once this procedure is completed, the discomfort that you may feel will be very minimal. There may be a bit of swelling in the jaw and face or there may be a little bruising or bleeding, but this is normal and nothing to worry about. You will need to take care of the area by eating soft foods, not smoking if you do, and keep up with a good oral hygiene regimen. What you will end up with is a natural looking tooth and smile that is fully functional. Restorative dental procedures will improve your smile and improve your overall oral health and function. Dental implants can replace damaged or decayed teeth as well as missing teeth. You can also talk to our Coral Springs dentist about replacing old or unattractive dental treatments if need be.
Payment Options at Our Coral Springs Dental Office.
At Barbag Dental in Coral Springs, we will work with you in order to give you the beautiful smile that you want. We will help you to submit all of your dental insurance forms to be sure that you are getting the most from your insurance benefits. You can also inquire about Care Credit® which is a fantastic financing program that offers you and your family extended payment plans for your dental care. We accept most dental insurance programs including most PPO’s. If you require major dental work, we can discuss with you a complete payment plan with an appropriate payment schedule. Call us today for an appointment with our friendly and caring Coral Springs dental office.