Common Problems Our Coral Springs Dental Office Treats.
Common Problems Our Coral Springs Dental Office Treats.
Most people only go to the dentist for a cleaning or when they experience a toothache. However, there are many other instances when you should make an appointment with your Coral Springs dental office. Do you have bad breath, mouth sores or tooth sensitivity? Dentists can help with these issues as well! Many people think these issues are just something to deal with or they use over the counter products to help. When you are properly educated from a professional, not only will your symptoms decline, but you will also learn about prevention and will have a happier and healthier mouth!
How Can Our Dentist in Coral Springs Help You?
Is bad breath something that you just have to live with or cover up with gum? No, absolutely not! Bad breath is an embarrassing issue. It could be due to improper hygiene habits, but it could also be caused by an underlying condition such as gum disease, cavities, oral cancer or if you have a constant dry mouth. If you just chew gum or rinse with mouthwash to curb the odor, it won’t help if there is a dental problem that you are unaware of. If you make an appointment to see your Coral Springs dentist, and it is determined that it is simply halitosis that you have and not a more severe issue there are things that you can do to reduce your bad breath. Our dental hygienist can give you a full and proper cleaning to begin with as well as teach you correct dental practices for you to do on your own. When you learn to brush and floss properly, this will go a long way to dissipating the bad odor. Eating healthier and staying away from foods known to cause bad breath such as garlic, onions, spices, and coffee are also a good practice. You can also try using an even mix of peroxide and water as a rinse to kill the bacteria in your mouth. If a dry mouth causes your bad breath, keep it moist! Make sure that you are drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Chewing sugarless mint gum will increase the saliva production in your mouth, therefore it is less likely to get dry. If you cannot always brush your teeth after eating a meal or snack, make it a point to rinse your mouth out with water to prevent foods and acids to sticking to your teeth and tongue.
Mouth sores, how embarrassing! Most of the time, mouth sores will go away on their own, but why do they appear to begin with? If you have common sores such as canker sores, they will develop inside of your mouth and can be a bit painful. Usually, they are round in shape and are yellow, gray, or white with a red border. Most commonly they are found on the top or tip of your tongue and are sensitive to tongue movement, eating, or drinking. Sometimes, you will get them underneath the tongue or inside of your cheek or lip. Researchers have yet to discover the exact cause of canker sores, but they are most commonly found in people with certain vitamin deficiencies or those who are immunosuppressed. Unfortunately, there is not much that you can do about a common canker sore, but don’t worry, they typically only last a few days or so. If the sore is pestering you, there are a few things that you can do to curb the irritation. Stay away from spicy flavors or foods containing citrus. You can also check at your pharmacy for over the counter lozenges and mouthwashes that help to relieve the pain. Also, make sure that you are taking your vitamins! Now, if your canker sore lasts for more than ten days, is spreading, or is accompanied by a fever, it is time to make an appointment with your Coral Springs dentist. At this point, you may need a topical treatment or will need to get vitamin B12, folic acid, and B6 supplements.
Ouch! Do you have tooth sensitivity when you have a sip of a drink, when you eat your favorite candy or when you brush and floss? This could be caused from a cracked or abscessed tooth, or you can just have hyperactive tooth sensitivity. It is best to let your dentist in Coral Springs determine the cause for this. Sensitive teeth are not something to get used to or ignore because if it is an abscess, you could end up with an infection in your jawbone which will cause you great pain and potential tooth loss. Tooth sensitivity is a very common issue and is caused by receding gums and enamel wear. When the soft, inner part of the tooth called dentin becomes exposed, you will end up with the sensitivity. When you see our dentist and talk about this issue, we will determine if you have any cracks or infection, and take the next step. If this is not the case, then we can also review with you, simple changes that you can start doing to prevent more dentin exposure. We will also go over with you some easy daily oral care practices that you can incorporate into your daily brushing routine.
Make an Appointment For Our Coral Springs Dental Office Today!
If you are experiencing any of these common dental problems, come see us at Barbag Dental in Coral Springs. If you have other common issues such as an unattractive smile, discolored or crooked teeth, tooth erosion, gum disease, or tooth decay, we can treat you for these matters as well. Getting ahead of plaque or decay is one way to prevent major dental problems down the road. Make sure that you are seeing your dentist twice a year to keep your mouth healthy and your smile bright! To learn more about our dental office, make an appointment, or discover what services we provide, click here.